Nation Building 103

If ever there was a time when America needed the Word of God, that time is now.  I’m not talking about how it applies to personal salvation, or how to “do” a church service…I’m talking about how to be one nation under God.

Take for instance the subject of immigration and illegal aliens.  Quite recently, with the wave of his magic pen, Barack Obama circumvents (breaks) the law of the land and grants blanket amnesty to whomsoever he wishes.  It’s fitting that a nation which has thumbed its nose at the laws of God, now finds itself with a petty dictator reigning over it who in turn thumbs his nose at our constituted law.  America is beginning to reap what it has sown, but I’ll keep that for another article.

For now, let’s see what the Bible (not the elephants or the asses) says about the subject of immigration.  For starters, there is Leviticus 19:33-34.  It reads as follows:

And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him. But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.

There are two major principles ordered by God with respect to immigration, and this is the first.

In short, God requires that when people want to come into His culture…His “one nation under God”…His Kingdom…they are to receive equal rights.  These were God’s words to Israel, His chosen nation, and I’m sure He knew that other nationalities would want to be a part of their blessing.  So God saw fit to tell Israel’s natural born citizens to extend equal opportunity toward the immigrant who wanted to partake.

In the 1800’s, America fought a civil war over this very issue, and it cost us greatly when we didn’t obey God’s Word.  From that point forward, we’ve moved progressively forward in our application of this principle.  While change has not come overnight, it has come.  There is no other nation on earth that comes remotely close to this principle as litigated by God in Leviticus 19.  Today, for the immigrant coming to America, this has guaranteed them equal opportunity, but not equal outcome.

Many in America would like you to believe that this is where the subject of immigration ends.  In their world, nobody is an illegal alien, and there should be no consequences for people who break the law to enter.  But lest you think this is where the subject stops in Scripture, think again.  There’s a second principle yet to be uncovered…and for that you will have to wait until next month.

Until then, don’t drink the progressive Kool-Aid.  America is one nation under God, and at some point in our not-too-distant future we will answer for disobeying God’s ways.  Like an unfaithful bride, we’ve taken God’s name in vain, and the humiliation of our national infidelity isn’t going to be pretty.

Stan Grant

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